
Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2016

Charlotte NC DUI defense attorney

Finding a Charlotte NC DUI defense attorney

Charlotte NC DUI Defense attorney
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Are you looking for a Charlotte NC DUI defense attorney? Every year, over a million drivers are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.  A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) arrest is a stressful event, and it is important to face the situation as prepared and informed as possible. Hiring an experienced DUI attorney can help determine whether you should plead guilty or take the case to court. DUI/DWI cases are especially complicated, and an attorney is needed to help you navigate the legal system. North Carolina has DWI laws that deem any driver with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) above .08 or proof that a driver was operating under the influence of a narcotic. A DUI attorney can help you understand the charges you face, and can advise you as to the best way to proceed with your case.

Check the lawyer’s reputation
·         You will need to make a preliminary search to consider an attorney’s qualifications, then you must make the best selection.
·         Make sure that you hire a licensed attorney, that has experience practicing DUI/DWI law in North Carolina.
·         A Charlotte attorney will be more familiar with the courts, judges, and prosecutors where your case will be handled.
·         This can translate to a less harsh sentence for you or a positive outcome in the dismissal of your case.

Charlotte’s top DUI Law Attorneys

When it comes to criminal law, the legal process can seem intimidating and overwhelming. The outcome of your case will have a significant effect on the rest of your life. You need a lawyer who takes this seriously, and who will work diligently for favorable results. You need a Charlotte law firm that has the skills, resources, and knowledge to handle complex legal matters; ranging from criminal defense to family law. Charlotte Family Law Attorneys at Plumides, Romano, Johnson & Cacheris, PC, has a history of serving the community for more than 50 years, and has a reputation for hard work and success. They also handle personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Call them today to speak to a lawyer that has decades of experience, and who understands how the DUI laws apply to your specific situation.

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